"Afterlife" is a sci-fi short film produced and directed by Sydney based Singaporean Perry Lam. It is part of Storeys, a series of original short films about Singapore, supported by Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) and supervised by a talent company, CreativesAtWork.
The protagonist is played by Kris Mavericko. I played a supporting role of Eric, the repairman. Ok, no more spoilers, let us watch the film now:
Many of us probably have someone departed that we love and miss very much. Therefore, it is plausible that in the future, we might use holograms to remind us of them. This will take off when prices for the device become affordable to most people, like the smart phone. Even better, may be holographic projection capabilities will be built into future generations of mobile phone models.
Here are some behind-the-scenes photos:
With the holographic Mirage (Agnes Goh). Thank you Popular Book Store for letting us use their premises.
Just mucking around with the green screen when everyone else was busy.
From left to right: Kris, Agnes Goh and Perry Lam, the writer, producer and director.
This scene was cut. I was repairing a device wearing a magnifying glass with a spot light.
The Chinese Folk Religion Altar was Kris' suggestion, and so it was added.
Running the lines and movements before the takes.
The corridor holding area.
Renita Kapoor (back facing camera) plays the role of Kurt's mum.